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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Still Alive and Well

January 6th, 2014

Hi everybody.  I still haven't quite caught on concerning just what I'm suppose to do with this blog, but I'm learning.

I suppose people with sites are expected to be experts on web things, but I'm an engineer (electrical, or electronics, depending on how old your university is), not a web denizen.

I design hardware, sometimes controlled by firmware, or even software.  I don't work on web things.

I've started the site to help with free electronics tutorials anyone who is interested in learning engineering and some science.  All engineers have to study from many of the physical sciences before they can focus on their major.

Myself, I took many extra courses (usually physics) because of my strong interest.

Engineering itself is APPLIED physics, as opposed to research physics.  When a physicist needs to run a special experiment, he or she (and I've worked with some very wonderful women physicists), call an engineer to design and build the equipment to their specs to run the experiment.

I even helped design and build some equipment that went to the ocean bottom (about 20,000 feet down) that is used to detect muon and neutrinos from deep space.  The depth filters out our solar neutrinos.  I know.  "Neutrinos" sounds like an Italian breakfast cereal.

Well, I have been overcome by events here, the passing away of my father being one of them, but I am ready to get back to the site, and hopefully this blog, by June of this year.

I do have some projects (meaning money making ones) to finish, but I have some personal projects that I will share with you here on the blog.

I'm designing a forge and will build a spin casting system to make a telescope mirror.
Astronomy has always been a strong interest of mine.

My plan is to make a mirror about 48" in diameter.  I'll probably just try to make something out of resin first to test it out. No need to silver that one.

I'll let you know when I get started and if I can figure out how to include photos and video I will.  I may have to ask my neighbor's 10-year-old daughter how to do that.  :-)

I'll get back later, and try to set a fixed schedule to providing for this blog.

Talk to you later,

1 comment:

  1. Hi Michael, just a question. Where or how can I subscribe to the newsletter you mention elsewhere? I like your teaching style. Regards.
